Friends for the Preservation of Ohio State Parks, Inc.

Message from the Director
Dear Ohio State Parks Friends and Volunteers:
As the new director of the Ohio Department of Natural Resources I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself to you and tell you just how much we appreciate the important work you do for Ohio Stale Parks.Prior to recently being named ODNR director by Governor John Kasich, I was director of the Ohio Department of Agriculture. Before that I served in the Ohio General Assembly and operated a business in Mercer County.Throughout my career. Ohio's natural resources have been important to me.
Now in this new position I am directly involved in the oversight of the state park system in Ohio. As you know, our state parks face major challenges to remain Ohio's special natural places with our backlog of maintenance projects alone totaling $570 million.Even with the challenges. dedicated volunteers have worked hard to keep Ohio State Parks special places for our visitors. I am impressed with the long list of special events and park improvements made possible by volunteers working in partnership with our park employees. We appreciate your effort and generosity, which reflect how much youcare about our parks.Let me say "thank you" for your service and I look forward to meeting many of you as I visit our parks.
James Zehringer
Director Ohio Department of Nalural Resources